Cin's Chat Corner is coming to life!
Hello All:
If you have viewed my website, you will see that I am going to be writing and producing my own talk radio show. It is both exciting and scary at the same time. I am utilizing my show for a potpourri of reasons. For one, I want to give my writing business an enermous amount of shameless promotion! As I had mentioned, I am offering free advertising and promotion to any business, cause, or individual for the first 30 days of broadcasting. I am also seeking non-profits who wish to gain exposure. My intention is to interview said organizations, then attempt to raise funds using my show. There are hundreds of causes that need help, and I am attempting to use my medium to facilitate assisting their needs. This will also be a show full of entertainment as well- entertaining topical discussions, surprise interviews and giveaways, a dating show, and just pure fun for men and women alike!
Please share you thoughts and ideas for my show at any time. I gladly accept any donations for giveaways and will consider all requests for interviews. Remember to tune in on January 16, 2012!!!